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Industrial Series

Industrial Series
Tuneladora en Montcada i Reixac

Human Figure Series (2016 et seq.)

Human Figure Series (2016 et seq.)

Helleborus in Black Series

dimarts, 27 de desembre del 2011

Models de tardor (i 4): Virgínia i model sobre verd
Autumn models (&4)

Acabo la sèrie.
El divendres que vaig pintar aquesta aquarel·la, Virgínia va patir amb la posa. Posar tres hores durant sis dies no té res de fàcil, i al final de la setmana s'acusen les tensions musculars. Si repasseu el blog la trobareu en més llocs.

Virgínia, Desembre 2011

No he aconseguit el nom d'aquesta model. Si el trobo el posaré. La posa i l'aquarel·la m'agraden força.

Model sobre tela verda, setembre, 2011.

2 comentaris:

  1. I am not sure whether my translation to Spanish is correct, but I will try using Google translate:

    Carlos .. sus pinturas / dibujos de las figuras son más impresionantes.

    También he acabo de ver el vídeo "La pintura con acuarela en Salas de Pallars" y realmente lo disfrutamos. Me parece muy interesante ver cómo se trabaja a través de un cuadro en el lugar. Voy a tener que tratar con lápiz de carbón, como usted ha hecho para obligarme a hacer el dibujo correctamente la primera vez sin tachaduras. :-)

    Yo estaba particularmente interesado en la forma en que su aplicación a su acuarela y la pintura acumulada. Muchas gracias para la grabación de su salida.


    Carlos.. your paintings/sketches of figures are most impressive.

    I have also just watched your video "Painting with watercolour in Salas de Pallars" and really enjoyed it. I find it really interesting to see how you work through a painting on-site. I'll have to try using charcoal pencil like you have done to force me to do the drawing correctly the first time with no erasures. :-)

    I was particularly interested in the way your applied your watercolour and built up the painting. Thank you very much for recording your outing.


  2. Hi Dave
    Thanks for your encouraging comment! I appreciate a lot the opinions on the naked figures.
    There is not a single way of proceeding (a single procedure): there are people that says that he does not have any, but that does not act to me. I think that at present I have several procedures, that is, an set of guidelines to built according to the subject. This one in the video is a standard to paint streets and buildings. So, more o less: 1) charcoal pencil as you have noticed (indeed, the charcoal does not allow almost erasing), 2) general wash of the ligth colours, 3) general shadows, 4) and finally, the reliefs and details on dry. Now, every time I attempt to solve more things with "wet on wet" technique...
    On the other hand, the subject of the naked figure has their own rules and special guidelines... Although this procedure is a little more confusing and I keep sizing up possibilities....and at the moment I'm not able about filming a video about how I paint it in the room of fixed pose where there are many people painting...
    A good new year!
